August 14, 2010

Vote or Dye

"Vote or Dye"?! How clever is that?!! (rhetorical question) Anyway, I have a brand new design up for voting at DBH that could use your help. It's for their big 10K contest. If you want to help out please sign up (if you're not already a member) and give it a VOTE. Thanks!

August 10, 2010

Coloring Book

With the help of threadless and a bunch of smart/handsome/talented artists, there is a sweet new coloring book for sale here. A free preview version is being given out with all Threadless Kid's orders. Here are two of the images I made for the book. Everything else in the book is a million times better than my pages, so if you hate what you see here you'll LOVE the rest. Buy or die!

August 7, 2010


It's about time I throw together some updates for this site. No more sitting around. First off, my trip around Thailand and Australia was amazing. You can check out some of the pics I've uploaded so far at the links below the pic.

Album One
Album Two

Also, the BRC has a new card deck for sale here. I helped design two of the cards. The first deck sold like hot cakes so get your hands on these before they sell out.

And more updates will be coming up soon. Or will they? They will. Unless...