September 24, 2009

More Pokémon Added

I've added some more illustrations to my Busted Up Pokemon project. Check out the whole collection so far in the "pokemon" section under "PROJECTS". I have quite a few more to go, but if you've got any requests lemme know! Gotta catch 'em all! :(

September 16, 2009

Modern Cartoon - New at DBH!

My submission for the DBH 10k contest was just printed as a runner-up! Thanks to all of your help for getting it noticed and into the top 20. It definitely wouldn't have made it to the printing press without your support. It's up for sale right here. Thumbs up!

September 6, 2009

Lost - "The White Rabbit" (deleted scene)

I found this on a special edition Lost DVD that I bought from Wal Mart. It was the only copy probably. It features Jack, Locke, and a white rabbit.
(The audio is a little quiet, so you might need to turn your speakers up a notch)

Dye Hard - printed at DBH

DesignByHumans has just printed a new shirt of mine! It's up for sale here and comes in a dazzling in-your-face turquoise blue color. The print came out great and I'm really excited about it. Thanks to everyone that gave it a vote when it was in the running.